Johan Sebastian Bach. Los días, las ideas y los libros

Acantilado, 2005 | Johann Sebastian Bach: His Days, Ideas and Books

(Johann Sebastian Bach: his days, ideas and books) Johann Sebastian Bach left behind him a library of a little over eighty books, housing works on theology and spirituality (or so the inventory taken on his death would have us believe), and which, alongside other texts, constituted, one might imagine, a place of everyday intimacy and reflection. A contemporary of Newton and Leibniz, his music emerged at a crucial point in the Western imagination, as borne out by his unparalleled ability to take on board the themes arising from the Age of Reason and spirituality, transforming them into art with an intellectual and human insight the like of which had never been seen before. Who was the reader of those works, what was his position in Leipzig (the city that would be his final resting place), what role did the musicians of that time play, with whom did he rub shoulders, why did he take certain decisions, how did the presence of death come to bear on his character, how did he approach the notions of time and eternity, what worries of a financial nature ailed him? These, among others, are the questions posed in this book. A fascinating insight, in the company of Ramón Andrés, a scholar, reader and devotee of music, into the universe of one of the cornerstones of Western culture.