El final del amor

The End of Love | Páginas de espuma, 2011; Anagrama, 2021

» Internationat Short Fiction Award Ribera del Duero 2011

The four stories collected in El final del amor centre around love and all its possibilities. In Nos rodeaban palmeras (We Were Surrounded by Palm Trees), over the course of a trip to an African island a couple on holiday experience a mutual feeling of distance that seems irreparable; in Cautivos (Captives), a writer witnesses the end of a relationship which the absence of passion was making strangely indissoluble; in ‘Joanna’, a fateful event reminds the protagonist of a never-forgotten teenage love, along with the realisation that it’s impossible for her to carry on; in Última gota fría (The Last Cold Drop), a boy who fantasises about his separated parents getting back together suddenly realises that perhaps this isn’t the best thing for them.

El final del amor marks the long-awaited return of Marcos Giralt Torrente to the genre in which he developed as a writer. Emotion, intensity and depth are the best words to describe this collection in which all the elements join forces to awaken in the reader an urgent need to reach the end.