Ignacio García-Valiño (Zaragoza, 1968 - Marbella, 2014) was a psycho-logist who plied his trade in the world of education. His extensive body of work includes the novels Urías y el rey David (Debate, 1997), La caricia del escorpión (Destino, 1998; Nadal Prize runner-up), Una cosa es el silencio (Destino, 1999), Las dos muertes de Sócrates (Alfaguara, 2003) and El corazón de la materia (Plaza & Janés, 2008). He also penned screenplays and published the YA novel El hilo de Ariadna (Anaya, 2003) and the children’s tale Yago, el cocodrilo vegetariano (Buchman, 2008). His latest novels have been translated into several languages.

A school counsellor specializing in the treatment of conflictive teens, he drew on his own professional experience to write Querido Caín, (Plaza&Janés, 2006, runner-up for the Ciudad de Torrevieja Award), later adapted for the big screen by Jesús Monllaó under the name El hijo de Caín, as well as the essay Educar a la pantera (Debate, 2009).

He passed away in July 2014 after a lengthy, hard-fought battle against illness. His last work is the novel El ruido del mundo (Plaza & Janés, February 2014), in which he once again plumbs the depths of criminal psychology.

"Robbed too soon of the pleasure of his company, we are left with our memories and enough fine novels to keep the conversation going. Ignacio, Nacho, has left the clamour of the world behind him, and for an instant the world has become more silent, albeit no moreagreeable." Martín Casariego, Obituary, El País 7-2014

El ruido del mundo

The Clamour of the World | Plaza & Janés, 2014

Educar a la pantera

Educating the Panther | Debate, 2010

El corazón de la materia

The Heart of the Matter | Plaza & Janés, 2008

Este libro no te salvará la vida

This book won’t save your life. Manual of an authentic hypochondriac | Marboré editores, 2008

Yago, el cocodrilo vegetariano

Yago, the Vegetarian Cocodrile | Buchmann, 2008

Querido Caín

Dear Cain | Plaza & Janés, 2006

Las dos muertes de Sócrates

Socrates’ Second Death | Alfaguara, 2003

Una cosa es el silencio

One Thing is Silence | Destino, 1999

La caricia del escorpión

The Scorpion’s Caress | Destino, 1998

Urías y el rey David

Uriah and King David | Debate, 1997 / Punto de lectura, 2005

Pablo y el hilo de Ariadna

Pablo and Adriadne’s Thread | Anaya, 2003